Friday, 23 November 2012

A rant about the treatment of HCAs in Residential Homes

I'm sure you knew there had to be a rant at some point!

Well, I was just thinking about the shift I'm doing on Monday and got my self a bit wound up. Over the years that I've worked in care settings I've come across more brilliant HCAs than I have poor. My rant is not about how HCAs treat patients, it's about how HCAs are treated by management and the companies that they work for, often private.

I have worked in several homes and honestly, every single home is full of people who want to do the best that they can for every resident there, and they do (most of them!). They literally do not stop for 12 hours, even with the things that people would consider smaller details, like making sure that Mr. Smith's tea is at the right temperature, Mrs. Cole's bed is made to her liking, ensuring that fashionable Ms. Layton's skirt and top match and supporting and reassuring Mr. Bartlett's family. They put every ounce of energy they have into making patients' lives as happy and comfortable as possible and yet they are paid an absolute pittance! I work for a care agency and hate the fact that I get paid more than them - at least 30p an hour more in most places. This is disgusting and it amazes me how people can live on such a small wage, especially given the amount of work they complete in 1 shift. Many of the people I have worked with complete 60 hour plus weeks with no thanks. Is it any wonder that morale is through the floor?! I think it's time that people took a step back and took notice of the work that these admirable people do.

Massive respect to those out there who put their heart and soul into their work every day.

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