Wednesday, 10 September 2014

A Long Overdue Catch-up

Well...I hang my head in shame since it's been around 7 months since I last posted but I have had a tonne going on, and still have really so this will be very brief.

I'm currently on my second placement of second year in the biggest hospital in the area. I'm based on an outpatients department that specialises in plastics so it's absolutely fascinating! I'm loving the experience but not so much the travel and parking situation. I'll (hopefully!) write a more in depth post about the placement soon. My last placement was with the District Nurses, which I enjoyed but I'm not sure it's for me. I think I'm more of a 'hospital nurse'.

I've handed in an essay and completed a VIVA (spoken exam) and an anatomy and physiology exam. I managed to get 82% for my VIVA which I was over the moon with, especially given the circumstance of what's been happening recently. I'm waiting for the results for the other 2 which we should have in the next month.

So the reason (other than being manically busy) that I haven't posted in a while is because...I'm pregnant. We're expecting a baby boy on 10th December, in 3 short months. It has absolutely flown over so far and trying to balance everything has been a bit of a challenge to say the least. I can imagine the next few months will pose the most challenges but I'm ready to face them head on :) I know it's going to be difficult to complete my training with a young child at home but I'm going to do my very best. I intend on stepping off just before he's due, taking 6 months out and then going back in the Summer to complete second year and then straight on into third year. It makes me tired just thinking about it!

Unfortunately my partner's Nana, who brought him up also passed away recently so it's been difficult moving on from that, especially with us expecting our first child. I'm sure she's watching over our growing baby.

I'll try and post again soon. Hope everyone is well :)

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