Friday, 3 April 2015

I had a baby!

Well, as the title suggests I have indeed had my baby, a beautiful little boy named Blake. By the end of my pregnancy impatient me thought he'd never arrive but he did, 6 days over his due date and on the morning of my 27th birthday, the best gift anyone could ask for. He was a rather hefty 8lb 11oz with humongous hands/feet and the most amazing little face. I know that I'm hugely biased but I do think he's the cutest baby to grace the planet 😁

Any way, he's now 15 weeks old and my partner and I are getting used to our new little life. We're hoping to find a bigger and better house asap to make life a touch easier and I pushed back my return to university until November since May seemed a bit too soon for us. I'd love to complete my training sooner but leaving my boy at only 5 months old and organising/affording childcare would be tricky. Plus as all parents know, babies change so quickly and I'll never get this opportunity again. I intend to soak it all up and am loving every minute...well most minutes ha!

In an effort to keep my hand in (sort of speak) I have attended a few nursing lectures (heart/lung transplantation and immunology) and teaching sessions (cadaver anatomy and physiology) so far and hope to do more, including doing a few bank shifts. I miss nursing like mad. My class have just chosen their management placements for final year which stung a bit but I'm just reminding myself that I'll be doing that soon and will be graduating with my gorgeous little family watching, proud as punch. I can't wait to see what life has to offer us in the future 😊

Between now and then I'm going to work hard on the last little bits I have of year 2 including 2 essays and an exam. Hopefully if I work on them asap, getting back in to uni life will be a touch easier with an 11 month old crawling/walking/running around! Then there'll only be 1 placement standing between me and my final year of nurse training. I can't wait!! My final placement will be in an acute and critical area of nursing. Before I stepped off to have my son I found out I would have been spending 8 weeks on a cardiac critical care unit, somewhere I would have loved. I just hope I get something equally as good on my return.

I hope to write about the placements and assessments I have already completed soon. Until then I hope this finds everyone well.

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